Story – ‘The TAG Kid’ Chapter 1

Tied up in a red speedo

Chapter 1

Wednesday April 25th 2000

My aunt has encouraged me to keep a diary of my adventures, so I am starting.

She will help me with details so that I will have a complete record of the things that happen to me, and so will Derek who is my aunt’s partner, but this is mostly about what my aunt did to me last night.

My name is Samuel, but everyone calls me Sam. I just turned 22, and I’m a student in my senior year at college. My mother, Cindy, died when I was about five years old. My father re-married a couple of years later, a woman named Ruth who is my step-mother. I like Ruth, but she’s a bit straight-laced, and not like I remember my real mother who was happy and full of adventure.

Because the college I attend is about one hundred miles from home, during the school year I live with my Helen. She was the wife of my father’s brother who died in a car accident a few years ago. Aunt Helen hasn’t remarried, but she has a partner, Derek, who lives with her most of the time. Aunt Helen and Derek are what some call “free spirits.” They are practicing nudists, quite uninhibited, and much wilder than my step-mother who doesn’t entirely approve of their life style. I enjoy being with them as they have excellent computer equipment, a big television and a swimming pool. I’ve gotten used to seeing them naked around the house and in the swimming pool where they wear very little and sometimes nothing at all.

This is my senior year in college, and because I took heavy loads in my first three years, I have only a few classes and a fair amount of free time. One afternoon I was reading entries on a web page showing and talking about people being tied up. I had secretly enjoyed looking at bondage pictures – especially those showing men in bondage and dominant women. Suddenly, I was aware that my aunt was standing behind me looking over my shoulder. I was embarrassed, but I showed her the page, and we read some of the letters and looked at the pictures together. My aunt asked me if I enjoyed reading about people being tied up and I said that I did very much and that I had been fascinated by bondage for years. She asked if I had ever been tied up, and I said that I had a couple of times. I had a friend at the university who first showed me some bondage web pages and we tried a few tie-up-things, but then he moved away.

That was over two years ago. Since then I haven’t been able to find anyone who was interested.

Then my aunt surprised me and asked, “Would you like it if I tied you up?”

Continue reading “Story – ‘The TAG Kid’ Chapter 1”

Video – Prisoner 01 ‘Skintight Rubber Shorts and Chains’

The prisoner was made to wear a PVC top and a pair of painfully tight rubber cycling shorts.
This was a very stressful afternoon of restraint. The prisoner was unable to lie down because of the chain round his neck padlocked to the bottom of the bed and he couldn’t sit up properly because his wrists were cuffed behind his back and then chained to the top of the bed. The prisoner’s ankles were split wide apart and chained individually to the metal frame at the bottom of the bed.
Underneath the tight rubber hood the prisoner had a golf ball in his mouth and then several layers of duct tape over his mouth and round his head. This made breathing very hard….

Story – ‘In Custody’

His hands almost shook when he read the letter. It was printed on an old-style line printer. The letterhead was that of the District Attorney, and he was the addressee.

“The defendant is find guilty of all of the charges. For reckless driving the sentence is 20 days in prison, an open container of alcohol in a vehicle is 20 days in prison. For disturbing the peace 20 days in prison. All of the prison sentences are to be served consecutively.” stood on the letter.

“I guess I made a really poor decision. That’s an real understatement!” he thought. Speeding and trying to loose the police who tried to pull him over wasn’t the cleverest thing to do.

Now he was faced with this letter. It indicated that a warrant had been sworn out for his arrest. The Crown agreed to drop the charge of avoiding arrest, but they wouldn’t budge on other driving offenses. He never dreamed that he could land in prison! For two months!
Continue reading “Story – ‘In Custody’”

Video – Prisoner 00 ‘Extreme Chain Captivity’

Perfect restraint if a kidnap victim is to be locked into a small cage, cupboard, locker or cell, or even nailed into a crate for storage or transport.
The prisoner’s wrists were cuffed behind his back. He was placed sitting in a cross legged position and his ankles were chained together. A chain was then padlocked around his neck and pulled forwards until it could be fastened to his ankle restraints. Shortening the length of chain between his neck and his ankles produced a very simple but powerful form of captivity.
The prisoner was made to wear a PVC top and loose fitting silver Nike soccer shorts.
A golf ball was duct taped into place in his mouth and the usual skintight rubber hood was applied.